Private | InvisaBlend Training Course

InvisaBlend Private…. Offer InvisaBlend through Phone consultations

InvisaBlend Private Training Course

People order InvisaBlend over the phone…
so, you can offer InvisaBlend Worldwide


InvisaBlend Private (video training course)

For… Sales Professionals / Entrepreneurs / Salons / Hair Studios /
Cosmetic offices / Hairdressers

Training You Get

– to show, educate and market to your public that you now offer the revolutionary InvisaBlend. This attracts MANY clients to you.

– Simple copy & paste emails for you to get more clients FAST!

– Easy step by step instruction on video—how to perform an effective InvisaBlend Phone Consultation.
• A thorough step by step system explaining ever detail to your new clients.
• Clients email or text pictures to you of their hair
• Easy steps on how to provide options, with prices to give each client.

– diagrams for any client’s hair situation.

– a simple 7 step order form you just email in each order.

Everything you need to build an empire

Your Investment - $1450.00

Return on your investment
one InvisaBlend client pays for your training. Phone consultations provide enormously FAST growth. An easy way to grow a business.

More information

    Order NOW…  InvisaBlend Private Training Course

      Order InvisaBlend Private

      and stand FAR-OUT from the crowd!

      The Micro Strand before real hair is added.

      Finished Micro Strand with Human Hair attached.

      Sorry, Sold Out

      A BOOK has been written about InvisaBlend
      (This book outlines… HOW TO market and offer InvisaBlend)

      What’s in this book

      • STAND OUT from the crowd
      • Get a steady flow of increased business
      • Guaranteed Repeat Business
      • The Micro Strand invention – how it will change everything
      • Cost is the BEST PART
      • FREE Trials – Brings you many new clients
      • The ONE Thing – that provide Limitless Growth!
      • The MOST Potent Marketing Option
      • Royalty Opportunity!


      FREE eBook